Thursday, August 14, 2014


Crazy things have been happening here at Casa de Lopez lately. For one... BabyLove thinks he is a grown up these days. What?! Where has the time gone? Pretty soon my sweet little babe will be a year old and his mother is still trying to figure out how we got here so fast. Wasn't it just yesterday that we brought him home from the hospital? Wasn't it just yesterday that I spent every extra moment that I wasn't screeching and freaking out apologizing to my nurses and midwives for screaming out the F word over and over again? Wasn't it just yesterday that I was certain those 36 hours of waiting, and pain, and hallucinating were never going to end? Wasn't it just yesterday I was asking God to please let me meet my BabyLove face to face? For the record... as crazy and painful as that whole experience was, it was still the best 36 hours of my life because I learned so much about myself, my loving, loyal, strong husband, and my amazingly tough kid. Also... has anyone else ever reached a level of pain in which they began to hallucinate? That was the craziest experience of my life and something that I did not even know was possible. With all of my back surgeries I have never been that out of it.

Anyways... speaking of painful situations... BabyLove has finally pushed that first little tooth through and the second one is almost there. We have had a few bad days and nights but really, he has been pretty tough. I however have been a big ball of emotions. He is beginning to look more and more like a little boy and less like a baby boy. Tonight Baby Daddy said... "I just can't believe how much he has changed. He doesn't even remind me of the baby we brought home." Well yeah... because he is every where these days! We have a really long hallway in our house and no joke the kid can crawl down it within just seconds and he pulls up on everything. In just the last few days he has began trying to stand from a seated position without pulling up on anything. The personality and attitude he has developed is also something else...
Generally he is a very happy baby but I will admit that he most definitely has a Reeves' temper. I was really hoping he would be laid back like his Daddy but unfortunately he is just like his Momma in that department. Either way... he is still the most amazing person I know.

School will be starting soon and I recently received all of my books in the mail! (and a new NMSU sweater because obviously I needed another one to go with all of the others.)
I am a little nervous about how this semester is going to go but I am trying to stay ahead by reading as much as I can now. The other night I was laying in bed reading when Baby Daddy came in and made fun of me for it. 

Baby Daddy: What are you reading?
Me: A book about teaching to juveniles behind bars.
Baby Daddy: Are you going to teach to juveniles behind bars? 
Me: Well I wasn't planning on it but it does seem interesting, I think I could probably actually enjoy a job like that. 
Baby Daddy: Doesn't sound interesting. Sounds like a bad idea. Where did you even get this book from? 
Me: It's one of my textbooks for a special topics class. 
Baby Daddy: Wait.... you are reading a textbook? 
Me: Yes.
Baby Daddy: School hasn't even started yet. 
Me: I know. 
Baby Daddy: Wow.... you are like the biggest nerd I know. 
Me: Hey now! 
Baby Daddy: Nope it's official... I married a nerd. My wife is a nerd. 
Me: Shut it. 
Baby Daddy: Whateva.... nerd. 

He thinks he is sooo clever. Anyways... like I was saying, I am nervous because my child is so active these days and I am not sure if I am prepared yet for all of the sleepless study nights that are ahead of me. I have to keep reminding myself... "Self... you are SOOOOOO close to the end."

Friday, August 1, 2014

Where have I been?

It's been almost two months since the last time I posted...Sorry about that. Apparently I have been every where but here. So... let's talk about what happened while I was gone!

First of all my little sister got hitched y'all. I still can not even believe that this happened. Can someone please pinch me and wake me up from this dream? Just yesterday she was this cute little blonde headed ball of annoying little sister and then... a beautiful bride? I don't even know how this happened. The wedding however was beautiful and Baby Love stole the show for a second by riding in all kick-backed-like in his little red wagon, tons of tears were shed, I of course delivered a wonderful maid of honor speech in which I threatened my new brother-in-law with my chihuahua-ness, and a good time was had by all. After the wedding though Baby Daddy and I decided we were in need of a mini vacation/late anniversary trip and let me tell you... WE WERE!

We enjoyed a day in the middle of the Santa Fe Plaza, did some fishing in the Jemez, and saw a lot of family including our sweet little Grandma Mae and Grumpy Grandpa. (Also I decided that one day I want to be a rich, yuppie, weekend warrior, hippie, ranch owner who hangs out at the La Fonda on the Plaza sipping Blue Winged Olive from the Wines of the San Juan. I know... that probably sounds taboo to everyone but I don't even care. Make fun of me all you want but it sounds like heaven.) On the way home we picked up a couple of stowaways....
More Aunts!!! We love the Aunts! The Aunts (my sisters-in-law) stayed with us for 2 weeks. During that time we went shopping, ice skating, to the pool, we painted our own pottery, we made smores every night and watched Grav3yard Girl & Eleventh Gorgeous videos, and played with Baby Love and celebrated the fourth... SO MUCH FUN! We also baby sat these cute little critters while their parents were out of town. Sweet little Bear and Bailey!

After that....

Grams and Aunt TayTay came to visit. They brought frogs and suckers and Baby loved it! We also did some pottery painting, crafting, shopping, and Grav3yard Girl watching! Oh and sushi... Aunt TayTay and I enjoyed lots of tasty sushi while Gram's gagged at us. It was soooo tasty.

Now the company has all gone home, back to their normal lives and we are slowly getting back to ours. Baby has recently been getting adjusted to a new sleep schedule and now sleeps in his own crib all the time. (It is however still in our room because. A. I am paranoid. B. I am lazy... I am not walking across the hall way half asleep.) School is about to start back up and let me tell you... I am a little nervous about how this semester is going to go down because my kid is EVERY WHERE and in EVERY THING! Drawers... he opens them, doors he opens them, bags... he tears everything out. I recently moved our entire movie collection into a hallway linen closet which took me an hour to do because we own probably 500+ (This is actually not an exaggeration) dvds and my BabyLove loves nothing more than to rip every single one of them down out of it's place and throw them ALL OVER THE HOUSE! Pray for me this semester. Pray that I find time for sleep and showering!

Speaking of prayers... the one year anniversary of my Grammy joining the Lord is coming up and lets face it... I just have been having a really hard time with it lately. The thing is... it felt like she had kicked cancer's butt so many times before that I think a big part of all of us just expected that she would be able to keep doing it. When she lost her battle I feel like I was just in shock and I still feel like a little bit of that is lingering. I can't not help but think about it a hundred times a day and it makes me feel guilty because I have a lot of wonderful grandparents that I also should be worrying about. It's just that... she was so young, and it's not fair. However... something amazing came from all of this the other day. I was having a down day and was drowning in a lot of emotions over this. I had decided that I needed to unpack some boxes (yes I'm still unpacking... don't judge) while Baby was taking a nap. I came across a book that she had given me and whenever Grammy gave me a book she would always include a special little note inside. This note talked about marriage and love and she included some verses with it. I looked up the verses and I don't want to talk a lot about them because then I start crying and I can't see what I am typing and my mascara runs but basically... she taught me something else. I always said that I idolized her marriage and what she had to tell me made me appreciate my sweet husband a little more then I already do. Baby Daddy and I recently celebrated our second anniversary and sometimes it's easy to get lost in a marriage when you are just going through every day life. When you stay home all day long paying attention to another tiny person and forgetting about yourself it is easy to just want to block every one else out at the end of the day. I am so guilty of tuning out my sweet husband every time he wants to show me the latest camo that just came out, or a new duck call, or a new Sage fly rod, or what GHG is doing this year. I forget some times at the end of the day that he wants my attention too, that he needs my attention and that after our faith, he comes next in my lineup. So anyways.. long story short.. there was Grammy, reminding me, teaching me, and I can't be more grateful for that.