Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Diamond Candles!

This blog is coming to you from my very own iPad mini! So excited about this thing!

Baby Daddy was called out on a job today so Baby and I have spent the day finishing up term papers, playing, and watching my birthday diamond candles burn. I told myself when I opened them that I would save them for as long as I could. That just so happened to be about an hour and then I found myself standing at the stove in the kitchen trying to light one with a flaming piece of wadded up paper. A little bit of scorched nail polish later and I had successfully managed to light the Cinnamon Roll scented candle. ( I really need my stuff guys! I know I own about a million boxes of matches, all of which are nicely packed away in a box in Cruces! Lame) After eight hours of being on pins and needles I finally plucked the little golden foil from hot wax and bam.... I had a piece of very attractive costume jewelry!
It looks a lot like the ring from the very first diamond candle but is a little different.
However, I still have one more to go! 
This candle has only been burning for about four hours but so far I can see the top of the tiny foil packet. Resisting the urge to go get tweezers and pluck it is so hard! Oh the torture!
See that little shadowy looking area on the left side? That is the ring! Only four more hours or so until I pluck it! Maybe. If I can contain myself.
Anywho... I'm off to pack for our trip to NM in a few days to retrieve the rest of our junk, and to finish off yet another term paper. Is the semester over yet? I need a break!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Just a little Birthday Update

So it was my birthday the other day... and now I am three years away from being thirty. Can you believe that? Trust me when I tell you that I can't. I still feel like I should be around 21ish but then I look around me and think... why would anyone ever want to be 21 again? One word... hangover. That's all I can really remember about being 21. Even more unbelievable news... On my birthday someone turned seven months old, guess who that could be....
I feel like he should still be a teeny tiny baby! :( We have recently learned so many things. He is trying to crawl, knows how to turn light switches off and on, sits up, and my personal favorite... says Momma. I had been working on the Momma thing for weeks and during playtime the other day he said it while reaching for me. Smarty Pants. Melted my heart. He now says it all the time and Baby Daddy got to hear it the other day. We are working on Dada now.
Also, speaking of birthdays... let me tell you, that Baby Daddy knows how to make me happy.
For my birthday I asked for this... 

For the past two years we have been sleeping on a hand-me down set that sat on a metal frame. That bed was the first bed that I had ever slept on that didn't have a headboard or footboard and for whatever reason that just bothers me. When we got married Joseph refused to sleep on my full size, which I don't blame him but I missed not having an actual bed. So I started begging for a new bed as soon as we found out we were moving. Yay! So excited about this. I have always wanted a sleigh bed! Also I can not wait for the rest of my furniture to be here. It looks a little strange in an empty room.
But then my Baby Daddy decided to spoil me a little further with these...
What?! iPad Mini and Diamond Candles? That guy! He knows how to treat a lady y'all! The candles just got here today but the other night I was looking at the Diamond Candles site because I had seen that they had new scents out and I really wanted the Mountain Air scent. So... when I opened the box and one of them was Mountain Air I was pretty impressed that he has me so figured out, and also, he could never go wrong with Cinnamon roll.
Anyways.. off to write a few term papers that are due tomorrow that I have been avoiding. Slacker. :(
P.S. Happy Birthday to one of my little sisters today! Pretty sure they were all just babies yesterday!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Slow Down!

I should be doing homework but... I would rather waste my time doing this. Between all of the traveling, school, house hunting, and child raising I have not had time to just sit down and blog lately. We have been moving so fast for the past month that I haven't really had the time to just enjoy life. However... I do have some news.


And it has red tile in the Kitchen which I am super excited about because all of my kitchen stuff is red!
I am not particularly fond of the wood paneling in the living room though. I mean what is it about Texas and wood paneling? It's all over the place. Ick. I am excited about the tile floors though.
Smurph dog and Ti are going to be excited about this! A HUGE back yard with big trees and a patio that has a built in smoker and fan!
Baby and I are heading back tomorrow so the Baby Daddy and I can officially sign the lease and start preparing to move all of our stuff in which is still in Cruces.

Baby, Aunt Tay, and I traveled to Clayton for Aunt Stupie and Uncle Tyler's engagement party! A great time was had by all, Baby got to meet those he was named after and...
All of the sisters had the opportunity to be together for a little bit. This is a rare thing!
This happened...

This is probably one of my most favorite things ever. So... I have always had this thing for vintage campers even before having a thing for vintage campers was cool and my great grandparents have always had this, the Silver Streak. I have always been infatuated with the Silver Streak so when my Mom called and said, Grandma said they are ready to sell the Silver Streak I was like, "Sold! Right now! I'll send the check!" And then I immediately went to Pinterest and started day dreaming and going through my glamper board. I can't even tell you guys how freaking excited I am about this. Ugh! I know this is going to be a huge project, (thankfully I married a very talented contractor) and the husband and I may end up killing each other over it but I just can not wait to start traveling around with it, taking Baby Love on little adventures!
Grandma and Grandpa said they think it's either a 56' or 58' but they cant remember exactly. How crazy is that to have had something like this for so long that you can't even remember what year you got it? That means this baby is 56 years old or older. Wowza!