The semester is over! Thank you Baby Jesus! Now the fun part begins... moving.
"I'm going to burn all of this $h!t to the ground next time we have to
move because I AM NOT moving all of these things
again.", I say this
every single time we get ready to move and every time we move guess what
happens.....nothing. I pack every single little nic-nac and useless
item we own. *banging head on desk* Why? Why must we have so many
things? It is a little alarming to me that we own enough crap to fill a
three bedroom house yet we do not actually own a three bedroom house.
Also, Baby Daddy and I have been married two years and have lived in
four houses. FOUR kids! F-O-U-R! About to be five. We must enjoy this sick punishment in
which we keep dealing out to ourselves. I don't have any other way to
explain it. *sigh*However we did find a house....
There it is... can you see it? Hehe. So our "new house" is actually very old and in need of some SERIOUS t.l.c. but before we discuss what is wrong with this house lets talk about what is awesome about this house. First of all, do you see my neighbors? No? Oh... that's right... I DO NOT HAVE NEIGHBORS. Well not "real" neighbors. I mean people live down the road from us but not close enough that my dogs are going to go bat shit crazy every time one of them walks outside of their house. Not close enough that I have to hear them walking past my bedroom windows with their idiot girlfriend who laughs like a dolphin at all hours of the night. No... my neighbors are cows and cranes and Canadian geese (depending on the time of the year), and quite frankly I enjoy listening to them. If you are wondering about all of that blank space around us, that is the cotton field that my house sits in the middle of. We were lucky enough to find a rental right smack dab in the middle of a farm.
Also price was a major deciding factor. Well not really, I was probably going to go with this anyways but we will be paying $1,200 less every month compared to our current house and almost all of our utilities are included in our rent. So yeah.... Odessa rentals are a RIP OFF.
We also really loved this house because they are down with us parking all of our crap, three vehicles, the glamper, Baby Daddy's trailer, and they are cool with all of my Fuzzies! That means it is time for my Junk Yard Cat to come home! I am so happy to have my DaBear kitten back and I am pretty sure my parents are ready too. Well... maybe Mom. Surprisingly Dad is objecting to this because they are now officially "buddies".
However, I have to admit that even with all of the things that we are looking forward to, there are some negatives to this house. For one it is super small. Most of our things are going to storage which isn't entirely bad because honestly I have wanted to get rid of a lot of things but we will have to pay for a storage until we can whittle all of the things down. Also the house is not in great shape. It needs new flooring throughout the whole house and we are going to have to paint it at some point. Who ever lived there previously tried to cover up stuff on the walls by taking glossy white paint and painting over whatever it was on what is more of a matte white so there are awful looking paint marks everywhere and if you have ever walked into a house with my husband you would know that things like this drive the contractor in him absolutely CRAZY. The good news is, the farmer that owns the house has given me the green light to do whatever I want and if you know me, then you know that I have an obsession with painting. The poor Capitan house was constantly being painted.
The other con is... we live across the road from a dairy. Well, it's not that big of a con if you consider how great the dove hunting will be right there basically out our back door but the smell. Eek. That should be interesting. I keep thinking to myself, "Self, you grew up in Clayton, not even that... you grew up spending all of your out of school/away from the ranch time with your Dad either in a corn field cutting silage or in the semi at the feedlot this should be like coming home." I am also a little worried about how my husband will end up feeling about this. Even though he is rugged and outdoorsy I am not sure how he will adapt to this detail. Hopefully well because I am NOT moving back into town.
On another note... BabyLove and I decided to start a new tradition together. After lots of Pinterest research we decided to start a 12 Nights of Christmas reading tradition. I purchased 12 Christmas books and wrapped each. Every night starting on December 12th Baby chooses one and unwraps it so I can read it to him. So far it has been so much fun and I think he is really enjoying it. On the first night we read "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer's Slide and Find".
Daddy and Tiberius helped pick out the first book.
He loves interactive books...
And the Island of Misfit toys train and plane. (of course)
Tonight was our second night and unfortunately Daddy wasn't able to be home because he ended up working late. Tiberius was still an excellent helper and listened to us read, "The Polar Bear who Saved Christmas"
He opened this one all by himself after I got it started for him. Momma tends to go a little crazy with the tape.
Little Smarty Pants Kid!
This was such a fun book!
It worked out perfectly that we started this on the 12th. Apparently I still suck at math because my husband pointed out to me that we would actually be done on the 23rd with all of our books and not on the 24th like I was thinking but we open presents on Christmas Eve so he will be to busy with new toys and will not care about reading I assume. Stay tuned for more 12 Nights of Christmas reading posts. I was able to find some pretty neat books this year!